Financial Matchmaking


The growth of your business will typically depend on the need for more capital, which can be raised in various ways.

In financial matchmaking we find the right solution both short and long term. Depending on what is best for your company, Norden CEF helps finding the ideal partners for the solution.

The First Step

Financial matchmaking starts with a pre-screening that uncovers your business needs.

Based on the pre-screening, we jointly find the right solution model for your company.

Your company can then choose the proposed solution with Norden CEF as your partner. This is done according to a model in which all parts of the process are explained and transparent.

Throughout the process, Norden CEF will optimize the solution, while keeping costs reasonable.

Different Forms of Capital
Your business needs may be of different nature and the financial solutions may be within:


  • Loans through private investors investorer
  • Crowdfunding
  • Bank financing


  • Deposits from private investors
  • Crowdfunding
  • IPO on eg First North Nasdaq