Introduktionsmøde til Norden CEF – ENG

31 May 2021


If you are interested in learning more about Norden CEF, who we are and how we work, as well as being introduced to a few of our counterparts and companies in our portfolio, then please feel free to join one of our sessions either Wednesday 2 or Wednesday 9, June.

SIGN UP please with Helene Stonor –

Wednesday 2 June, 2021 and Wednesday 9 June, 2021
Start: 14:30cet / End: app 16:30cet
English sessions
Each company presentation is app 20 minutes followed by QA session
MS Teams / Personal link will follow your registration

Programme on 2 June, 2021
14:30cet / Welcome & Introduction to Norden CEF by CEO John Norden
14:45cet / Öresund Growth Partner by Partner Jens Olsson
15:00cet / IPO Nordic Fund by Partner Jesper Vogelius
15:15cet / FOM Technologies by CEO Michael Stadi
15:40cet / Monsenso by CEO Thomas Lehtenborg
16:05cet / Digizuite by CEO Kim Wolters
16:30cet / Wrap Up by CEO John Norden

 Programme on 9 June, 2021
14:30cet / Welcome & Introduction to Norden CEF by CEO John Norden
14:45cet / Öresund Growth Partner by Partner Jens Olsson
15:00cet / IPO Nordic Fund by Partner Jesper Vogelius
15:15cet / FOM Technologies by CEO Michael Stadi
15:40cet / Hydract by CFO Morten Lindberg
16:05cet / Agillic by CEO Emre Görsoy
16:30cet / Wrap Up by CEO John Norden